Allergies - Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Allergies are relatively common. Both genetics and environmental factors play a role.

The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It also responds to extraneous bodies named allergens, which are generally not harmful and in most people do not give rise to problems.

However in allergic people, the immune reaction is oversensitive. When it sees an allergen, it frees chemicals such as histamines. which fight off the allergen. This causes itching, swelling, mucus production, muscle spasms, hives, rashes, and other symptoms, which vary from person to person.

Common allergens are made up of mold,  pet dander,pollen, and some dust. Food and drug allergies are common. Allergic responses and reactions can also be caused by insect bites, jewellery, cosmetics, spices, and other substances.

Some people have allergy-like reactions to hot or cold temperatures, sunlight, or other environmental triggers. often, (rubbing or stroking the skin) will lead to the appearance of symptoms.

A specific allergy is not usually (inherited)  through families . However, if both your parents have allergies, you are likely to suffer from allergies. The possibility is bigger and greater if your mother has allergies.

Allergies may make certain medical problems such as eczema, sinus problems, and asthma worse.

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