It’s undeniable that having a strong immune system is very important and necessary for every person who wants to enjoy his life, you will not worry about getting diseases like flu or cold or coughing, this type of illnesses may affect your life or your job and obligations. So, In order to prevent yourself from such illnesses, there are many ways and pieces of advice to make your immune system strong, a reasonable diet, activities performed during the day and the time you go to bed and get up to start a new day, the purpose of this article is to shed light on the best ways to strengthen the immune system and live a happy healthy life.
     Sleeping Enough: you should dear reader sleep at least seven hours because when you don’t get enough time to sleep you will certainly get inflammations and microbes and viruses growth
     You should exercise and practice sport daily: A person who doesn’t exercise is absolutely vulnerable to being ill rather than someone who practices sport. It helps the body benefit from the vitamins taken from foods and drinks and it strengthens the immune system. Therefore, having a stroll and wandering for twenty-five minutes every day can help you develop your health and improve it.
     Getting fresh air: when you go out for a stroll, you will certainly enjoy Vitamin D triggered by the skin’s generation of it. So, make sure to get your share of sunlight every day. What’s more, wandering in the fresh air helps you relieve respiratory troubles.
     Avoiding or stopping the consumption of processed food: Sugar nowadays is known among scientists and specialists as white poison, so make sure to avoid sugar and gluten in addition to any kind of processed food.
      Tension management: when you reach the level of controlling your stress and tension, you will be able to control your mood as a result. So, try to have a rest and relax from time to time, or try to follow our tips of meditating “Yoga” we discussed before in a previous article. Stress is as dangerous as smoking because it makes the body weak and sick, and the sickness itself can increase stress and lead to high tension. And it’s difficult to get out of this trap when you get into it.
         Keep your surroundings neat: In order to avoid getting ill and being attacked by germs, avoid touching contaminated objects, So if you recognize that you have touched a contaminated object, don’t touch your face, eyes or you mouth because the latter is the window from which germs can get into your body and destroy it from inside
          Drinking Tea: the green Chinese tea is a very important drink that stimulates your body and mind, your physique and emotions. The green tea contains antioxidants that boost your weak immune system and we can recognize the well-being of most Chinese people who are familiar with the magic drink
      Garlic consumption: when I personally visit the traditional societies in Asia, middle, east, and North African countries, I discover that they all use garlic in their daily meals to treat some illnesses like cold and even external hemorrhoids. Garlic certainly has got secrets that boost and strengthen the immune system and prevent you from flu and cold as simple examples. So, you can use garlic in different foods, and you had better eat it raw though it’s hard for some people.
        Fruits and vegetable consumption: eating fresh fruits and vegetables with interesting quantities of vitamins like vitamin C and B is a must, try to avoid fast food and replace it with fresh salads and vegetables. Decrease your levels of eating meat as well.
     Reducing or avoiding smoking and alcoholic drinks: when you excessively drink alcoholic drinks and smoke dear reader, you will increase the risk of some types of cancers like lung cancer and you will make your immune system weaker and weaker. Additionally, you will increase the risk of lung infections and pneumonia. Even when someone is smoking next to you may affect you negatively so be away from smokers while smoking

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