We all know that caffeine buzz soda is hard to resist even if it’s very bad for our health. However, its taste is always good and it’s difficult to stop drinking it, and it is always damaging the person’s health and it may fall across our path toward losing weight.
Whenever a person drinks soda we automatically consume and an incredible amount of calories. these calories aren’t healthy; they are chiefly coming from added sugars. Moreover, you don’t gain any vitamins, minerals or good quality carbohydrates from sodas. The mentioned chemicals may lead to a health disorder, like diabetes, tooth decay, and poor bone health. Researches have shown that diet soda drinkers are more likely to be fat. The chemicals in this diet soda may lead to a heart attack and depression.
So if you want to get soda out of your life and you want to stop drinking it, you should be well on your way to getting it out of your life if you follow these tips.
 Tip 1: counting the calories.
Counting calories is very important and necessary in order to keep the waistline in check, so you may download a calorie counter app and control the calories in the body every day. And you should not order sodas whenever you eat out.
Tip 2: switch to unsweetened tea
 If you think that caffeine is what attracts you to drink soda, and if you don’t drink coffee, you may get caffeine for unsweetened or black tea. And if you want extra flavor mix your tea with fresh lemon and try to be away from artificial sweeteners.
 Tip 3: drink a glass of water instead
Whenever you are stressed or bored, instead of cracking open a can of soda, it would be advisable to drink water. a glass of water flavored with fresh lemon juice will hydrate your body effectively.
Tip 4: try drinking Seltzer water
The majority of soda drinkers are addicted to the carbonation. Instead of getting carbonation from soda that may negatively affect your health, you’d better drink seltzer water and try to avoid the flavored seltzer waters because they have artificial sweeteners, which are unhealthy for the body.
Tip 5: break the habit  
Your habit may be drinking a soda at a particular time of the day, you feel that you are rewarding yourself till you grow accustomed to it. Rather than getting a soda to try to walk and wander around the building and try to get some healthy fresh air, desk exercises or pack a lunch. This will certainly help you get rid of that bad habit, which is soda addiction

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