As we know a lot of people are suffering nowadays with excessive weight and unwanted dangerous masses in the body, if you are fed up with gaining excessive weight, if want to stop this harmful weight growth and if you want to keep fit and live longer and longer, this purely scientific article is written for you and for people you love who are suffering in silence.
Practicing sport and eating well on a daily basis helps effectively to prevent you from gaining excessive weight and it helps also to maintain a secure and healthy weight. Based on some clinical researches, being active and dynamic physically is a must in order to lose weight. What's more, exercising on a daily basis can enhance your cardiovascular condition, strengthen your immune system and heighten your energy rates even if you are not interested in losing your wight.
you can launch your training program with activities with average limits ( about  160 minutes every week. However, If you can't dedicate this time to training, you can seek other methods and techniques to develop and add up your activities throughout the day. For instance, you can replace driving by walking, instead of taking the elevators and ramps you can take the stairs and make your muscles make an effort. Additionally, you can walk at the same time you are contacting someone on the phone ( pick up someone you love :) ) you can walk and like this, you won't feel that you made an effort at all psychologically, and this is a good way to deceive or trick your brain.
As our scientists defined the calorie "Unit of heat defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at atmospherical force" equilibrized food and calorie well managed regime (diet) will certainly help you to command and have more control over your weight. Furthermore, Launch your day with a healthy first meal "brekkie" and try to prevent yourself from the monster called 'Hunger" because he will certainly compel and obligate you to go and get junk food before lunch which is an essential meal during the day as well.
Also, you should not, according to our scientists, bound off breakfast (brekkie) in order not to raise the blood sugar and increase fats. Add up at least 6 types of vegetables and fruits into your diet every day, but they must be low in terms of nutrients and calories so that you can control your weight stop your body from gaining poisonous masses.
Besides all what we have mentioned, reducing the consumption of sugar especially in beverages, fruit juices, and sodas as mentioned in earlier articles in addition to selecting the best and most appropriate kinds of meat such as turkey, chicken and fish can help you keep fit and loose or get rid of unwanted weight and get a perfect body like the picture below.

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